¿Cómo se dice take en pasado en inglés?

18 Answers

El pasado de "take" (tomar) es "took."

En el presente:

Tomo = I take

Tomas = You take

Toma = He, She, It takes*

Tomamos = We take

Toman = They take

*Recuerda agregar la "s" en la forma de él/ella/ud.

En el pasado (Pretérito perfecto simple)

Tomé = I took

Tomaste = you took

Tomó = he/she/it took

Tomamos = we took

Tomaron = they took

Pretérito imperfecto y Pretérito perfecto compuesto

Otros formas comunes del pasado son el pretérito imperfecto y el pretérito perfecto compuesto.

Pretérito imperfecto = Past continuous

Tomaba =I was taking

Tomabas = You were taking

Tomaba = He/she/it was taking

Tomábamos = We were taking

Tomaban = They were taking

Pretérito perfecto compuesto = Present perfect

He tomado = I have taken

Has tomado = You have taken

Ha tomado = He/she/it has taken

Hemos tomado = We have taken

Han tomado = They have taken

El participio "tomado" es "taken" en íngles.


Present: He takes pictures.

Past: He took pictures.

Present: I take a shower.

Past: I took a shower.

Present: We take a present to the party.

Past: We took a present to the party.

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"took" en pasado simple.

Como se dice take en pasado simple en ingles.

Pasado simple es muy simple en ingles.



I took a test.

You took at test.

She took a test.

It took a test.

They took a test.

We took a test.

Eso es todo.

Siempre es "took"



Esta pregunta es muy sencilla.

  1. Took.

  2. Fonética:

    Foneticamente se escribe así:

UK /tʊk/ US /tʊk/


Varios ejemplos son los siguientes:

I would like to know why they took place.
Most of the fundamental changes of which agriculture is but a symptom took place while people were still basically foragers.


Take en el pasado es: took

Irregular verbs in the past.

Swim - swam

Hide - hid
run -ran

choose - chose

It would be a good idea to look at a table with the irregular verbs in the past listed. There are two columns: one is the past simple irregular forms and the pther are the past participles. It is recommend to learn them together.


El pasado en ingles se dice: simple past o past simple. Se puede usar cuando una persona está afirmando, negando o preguntando algo. Como bien el nombre dice, es el verbo en pasado. Normalmente a los verbos regulares se le agrega -ed al final como por ejemplo el verbo "dance" ese vendría a ser el presente y el pasado de aquel verbo sería "danced" y cuando es una negación el verbo permanece intacto, no se le agrega el -ed como por ejemplo: "she didn't dance".

Ahora, es distinto cuando el verbo es irregular y si, es un poco mas complejo ya que hay muchas conjugaciones.

El verbo "take" vendría a ser un verbo irregular, por lo que no termina en -ed. Sino el pasado es diferente y vendría a ser: "took."



past simple

past participle

To take






Verbos irregulares

Los verbos irregulares construyen el pasado simple de forma diferente a los regulares. Mientras que estos últimos sólo añaden una "-ed" al final del verbo para el afirmativo. Los irregulares cambian su forma al pasar de un tiempo a otro. Unas veces cambian mucho, otras un poco y otras nada.


Past simple

Past participle

To buy (cambia mucho) comprar



To begin (cambia un poco) empezar



To hit (no cambia) pegar




"Took" is take in past tense

Can anyone tell me some other irregular verb tenses? I would like a list of at least five of the most difficult ones.

Past tenses and their difficulty are really not so difficult.


El verbo take es irregular, por ende se vuelve en took (past simple/pasado simple) y taken (participio pasado/past participle)


I take the train to go to school = cojo el tren para ir al colegio


I take the train to go to school = cojo el tren para ir al colegio

Change the sentence into past simple and present perfect


La conjugación de 'take' en el pasado es muy fácil!

'take' en pasado

'Take' en el pasado es "took"

I took the book

He took the keys

She took her glasses of

We took the place

'take' en pasado

Take en pasado es 'took'


take en pasado se dice "Took" a diferencia de su pasado perfecto, el cual es "Taken"

Ejemplo para ambos usos, en pasado perfecto podría ser.


-Sarah, where is the sword?

-He took it, there's nothing I could do!


-Sarah, ¿donde está la espada?

-El la tomó/El se la llevó, no hay nada hubiera podido hacer hacer.

El 'simple past' se puede utilizar para hablar de una acción o estado finalizado o para acciones que tienen lugar casi simultáneamente.


-He has taken over his father's business
-Se ha hecho cargo del negocio de su padre.

Este tiempo verbal nos permite expresar una secuencia de eventos con mayor claridad y precisión que el pasado simple, el pasado perfecto en Inglés está formado por el verbo auxiliar Had + el participio pasado.


'take' en pasado simple es 'took'; en pasado participio es 'taken'.

take es un verbo irregular, por lo que no llevo la terminación -ed en sus formas en pasado.


en su forma en pasado simple, 'took' se pronuncia como 'book', 'look', 'cook'.


I took the bus to work this morning.

The criminals took more than $2million from the bank in the robbery.

My dad is a businessman. He has taken many planes in his life.

¡Así de fácil!


Take en pasado= took

El verbo take es un verbo irregular, por lo tanto al conjugarlo en pasado su escritura cambia casi por completo. No termina en -D o -ED.

Take= Coger o tomar

Took= Cogió o tomó


I take pictures of my dog everyday.

(Yo tomo fotos de mi perro todos los días)

I took pictures of my dog yesterday.

(Yo tomé fotos de mi perro ayer)

She takes English classes.

(Ella toma clases de inglés)

She took English classes.

(Ella tomó clases de inglés)


En ambos ingles y español tenemos lo que se llama "participios." Hay dos formas: el participio pasado y el participio presente.

En español, el participio pasado normalmente termina en -ado/-ido y el participio presente termina con -ando/-endo. En ingles los equivalentes serian -ed para el pasado y -ing para el presente. Sin embargo, hay excepciones para el participio pasado (igual como en español ej. abierto, no abrido). El verbo "to take" es un verbo que tiene una excepcion para el participio pasado. Take en el pasado simple es "took" y el participio pasado de "take" es "taken"


The past tense of take is took

For example:

"I took the pizza out of the oven"

"He took that exam last year"

The past participle of take is taken.

For example:

"I have taken the pizza out of the oven"

"He has taken that exam before"

Kevin Wegener Antolinez

To take es un verbo irregular, a continuación dejo las tres conjugaciones:

Take, Took, Taken

I will take the pink cake

I took the pink cake yesterday

I had taken the pink cake a long time ago

He dejado este ejemplo para que se entienda mejor


How to conjugate the verb "Take":





Past participle:


How to use it in a sentence:

I took a shower last night.

Meaning of the sentence:

He or she showered yesterday during the evening.


Take se dice took

Take 是用英语说的

Take는 영어로 take라고 합니다.

Take se dice Took

I take English classes

I took English classes

En conclusion take se dice Took en tiempo pasado............................

Juanda🤹‍♀Español 2300hrs de Experiencia

Let´s know the verb TO TAKE in the past tense in English?


A very important verb to know and practice.

Always remember that the verb TO TAKE is an irregular verb.

I took 

you took 

he/she/it took 

we took 

you took 

they took

  • I took some pictures

  • She took the plane

  • We took the dog for a walk

  • They took off their jacket

  • He took me to the airport

  • You took some money

A very easy verb to learn!

Follow the instructions carefully and practice it permanently
