🔥Courses based mainly on conversation🔥
🇫🇷 My name is Laurent and I’m French 🇫🇷
⭐ Before teaching French, I worked in the social and professional support profession for about 10 years.
⭐ I trained in teaching French as a foreign language “PROFLE +”.
✌️ My courses take place in a relaxed and pressure-free atmosphere ✌️
📗 Each course is personalized and adapted to your objectives and interests.
📗 All the material we use in class is sent to you to facilitate your learning and revision (Google slide course support, videos, audios, books, documents, etc.).
⭐ My methods and tools are adapted to your needs and learning level ⭐
🟢 Videos - to facilitate oral comprehension
🟢 Course materials - improve pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary…
🟢 Conversation - to understand better and answer easily
🟢 Audios - adapted according to the level and the theme we are working on
🟢 Books - to learn and improve your skills
⭐ My goal is to enable the student to ⭐
➡️ Use practical sentences in a real life situation.
➡️ Speak French in each class to memorize better.
➡️ Express yourself with good pronunciation.
➡️ Learn easily and in a fun way.
➡️ Progress in the areas that interest you.
➡️ See progression in each lesson.
🟢 Why choose me? 🟢
• I learned English and Spanish while traveling, so I know what you need to know to communicate better in all situations.
• My professional experience in teaching and helping relationships leads me to offer motivating and interactive courses for effective learning.
✈️ My travels:
🇬🇧 England (1 year)
🇦🇺 New Zealand (1 year)
🇪🇸 Spain (1.5 years)
🇲🇽 Mexico (1 year)
⭐ Examples of beginner courses
➡️Social interactions
🔹Introducing yourself and other people
🔹Getting news of someone
🔹Knowing how to count
🔹Finding your bearings in time
🔹Describing a person, their environment
🔹Telling about your daily life (family, work, activities, etc.)
🔹Saying what you like and don't like
➡️Daily life
🔹Going to the shops
🔹Going shopping
🔹Buying clothes
🔹Going to a snack bar, a restaurant
🔹Taking public transport
🔹Asking for information
🔹Making a reservation for accommodation or other
🔹Asking for directions
🔹Communicating in a airport, a train station
🔹Talk about the weather
🔹Tell about a trip
➡️Grammar, conjugation
🔹Speaking in the present
🔹Speaking in the past
🔹Speaking in the future
➡️And others..."I adapt to your needs"
⭐ Examples of intermediate courses and above
✅ Being able to explain your ideas more easily
✅ Being more comfortable communicating by expressing your thoughts more precisely
✅ Knowing how to use different tenses to express yourself better
✅ Giving your opinion on a subject
✅ Telling a story, an event, an experience
✅ Talking about your projects, your objectives
✅ Talking about different themes
✅ Arguing your ideas more easily
✅ Giving reasons, explanations (for a project, an idea)
✅ Expressing assumptions, hypotheses
✅ And others... "I adapt to your needs"
⭐ Professional approaches
▶️ Preparation for a job interview
▶️ Curriculum Vitae (CV)
▶️ Acquisition of job-specific vocabulary
• I teach French for levels A1, A2, B1, B2, C1.
• I teach younger children from about 12 years old “depending on the level”.
Please talk to me before booking a trial lesson, thank you.