
🐳Celeste teacher is your best choice for learning Spanish. step out of one's comfort zone

Patience 😉 Friendly😊
2Oral Spanish Sessions Completed
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EnglishB1 Intermediate
🐳Platform's top choice for beginners! 🐳 Join me, Teacher Lamlam, on a fun and easy journey to learn Spanish! I may not have many fancy introductions, but I have a passion for teaching and a heart ❤️ that loves it! Become my student today and I'll teach you a new way to play with language! 🐳About Teacher Lamlam🐳 🐬 Specializes in teaching zero-based to beginner level students. 10 classes and you'll feel the difference! 🐬 Grew up in a Spanish-speaking environment for 15 years, with native and natural pronunciation. 🐬 Born in Taiwan and grew up abroad, able to explain clearly in both Chinese and English. 🐬 Specializes in teaching practical daily and travel conversation. 🐳Student Feedback🐳 ❤️The class gave a good first step in learning Spanish. Celeste gives me lots of opportunities to talk which is what I need as I am always not confident in delivering languages of any kind. Just bought the 20 classes and hopefully, I will be able to make small talks in Spanish at work after then. ~學生 C 評語 2023 年 1月19 日 ❤️當初想要學西班牙文動機很簡單就是想要上完十堂課就能去墨西哥餐廳點菜,同時也想看看老師的10堂課安排可不可以讓0基礎的我在不用硬背單字下,達成這個目標! 學到第6堂的我,在學習過程中沒有太大的挫折讓我不想繼續學西文,反倒是覺得很有趣,謝謝老師找了不同的素材來教導!!😊 ~學生chu 評語2023 年 5月3 日 ❤️今天上完了第二首歌曲,也上了一首新的歌曲,用歌曲洗腦感覺真的會特別有印象,雖然聽了還是會忘記意思,但越熟悉單字就會越有印象,也會慢慢越記越多單字,聽力四選一雖然還沒辦法聽一次就懂,但是在經過老師提示關鍵字之後也能越來越快抓到重點了,雖然學習的速度不快,但是會長期抗戰,謝謝老師的耐心跟用心😊 ~學生YU 評語 2023 年 4月26 日 ❤️整個學習西文過程,學得很開心~ 透過老師的方法,讓我從一個字都不懂到現在能猜得到大概的意思 從不同的聽力練習和歌曲當中去學西文的語感 從遊戲當中,透過每天用十分鐘去玩,去記生字 這樣的學習方式跟以往諗書時候很不同, 雖然一開始很不習慣,以前都是一直硬背,很辛苦才記得。但現在用了老師的方法,沒有壓力去學,學東西的速度比以前快很多,也輕鬆~ 謝謝老師這20堂課裡面的教學!😊 ~學生Vanessa Chan評語 2023 年 4月7 日 ❤️第二十堂完結 亦都可以叫畢業了🎉 回想起由1月第一堂,對西語既認識得睇戲時學識既 sí/ gracias/ señor/ señorita,聽練習時完全係‘我聽左d 咩🫣’ 咁. 到而家剛好3月,睇西語戲會聽得明少少對話,聽歌會聽到佢唱咩. 成果大到我都唔信我只係學左2個月既西語🤯 本身搵老師上堂都係想有個人可以督住同陪我,防止我覺得太辛苦而3分鐘熱度. 但成個過程唔好話辛苦,簡直打破左我一路認為既學語言背單詞好辛苦既睇法,上堂係開心輕鬆上,新字自動入腦. 有左個成功感後就更加想自己發掘更多. 所以與其話放棄,反而係想繼續學🤓期待下個phase繼續進步,目標-可以我口講我心💪💪💪 ~香港學生Vikki Siu 評語 2023 年 3月8 日 ❤️去年底從零開始跟藍藍老師學西文(10堂課)今年年初去南美洲旅行~新手也可以點餐/問候,閱讀也看得懂基本的單字,非常有趣~現在回國後繼續跟老師學西文!非常期待~😊 ~學生Irene 評語 2023 年 5月5 日 ❤️今天第一期課程結束了!來分享我的感受~首先今天是玩1-100數字的遊戲,老師跟我解釋了數字單字變化的原理,終於解決了我60/70/80/90一直忘記的問題😊然後,我覺得特別喜歡老師的課程的地方是,我其實學了很久了西文,但一直都有很多學英文的學生相同的問題 -- 儲備知識很多(從發音規則到各種話題單字文法都系統的學過😅),但完全不會使用(記憶模糊聽不懂講不順組不成句子😭)藉著老師的聽力、配音、造句和簡單的遊戲,配合簡單的解釋,對我來說反而很容易記住👍 終於能開始聽懂,講出順暢的句子,覺得又可以繼續學下去了!這十堂課的進展真的超出我的預期,謝謝老師~😊 ~學生Yiyi評語 2023 年 2月16 日 ❤️完成了第20堂課,謝謝老師帶領我從完整不會西文到可以講出簡單的句子,以及理解西文的優美。20堂課雖然不足以達成我的短期目標,但是已經給我很好的學習起點,讓我可以尋找尋找適合自己的教材、學習方式和進度來繼續努力。老師在教學上很有想法,建議老師可以記錄下每個學生的進度,以個人化提供教學。😊 ~學生Hui-yu Wen 評語 2023 年 3月13 日 🐳Relaxed classes🐳 🐬Great Western songs🎧 🐬Systematic Western teaching materials 🐬Practical dialogues and exercises 🐬Cultural and travel advice from South America 🐬Come and learn Western languages with Teacher Celeste! Looking forward to meeting you all 😊 🐳 Pre-class Information 🐳 🎐 The teacher can only focus on 15 one-on-one beginner students at a time. Only new students will be accepted after someone graduates. (Graduation standard: Simple speaking in Spanish and able to enjoy Spanish songs) 🎐 In order to maintain a certain level of learning effectiveness, Blue blue teacher only accepts students who can attend 2-3 classes per week. 🎐 There are currently 11 students enrolled, with 4 spots available. Come and experience a professional beginner's class for adults >> 🎐 If you are interested in purchasing more than 40 50-minute lessons, you can enjoy an 20% discount after experiencing the trial class and telling the teacher that you like it! 🎐 Come with a happy mood and let the professional teacher take care of the rest.
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Around 40% off compared to 1-on-1 lessons🔥 Limited discount seats!
藍藍老師🎉小班熱烈招生中 【從0開始基礎班】【豐富多元主題口說-初級】... 各式各樣主題小班制現正優惠中!名額有限! 一對一6折價 規律學習穩定進步 提供上課影片複習 為什麼你該嘗試小班制? 跟同儕一起學習,互相激勵進步更快 製造與不同人活用語言的情境 預防惰性,固定上課穩定成長 課後提供影片隨時複習
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Completed 16 lessonsTaught 20 students


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1 Oral Spanish course reviews

  • Celeste thoughtfully prepared personalized material for me based on my request to learn about the Spanish spoken in Paraguay. 😊 She had clear explanations about new vocabulary words. It's awesome to have a Spanish teacher who is also a professional translator! She has a lot of knowledge. Celeste teaches with passion. I like that she uses immersion to do the class in Spanish so that I have plenty of opportunity to practice listening skills. She also speaks English well, so she could clarify terms in English when necessary. Thanks Profesora Celeste for an interesting class! Gracias!
  • Hui-yu Wen
    Jan 27, 2023
    Learning Numbers today from 0 to 10. Putting numbers into sentences. Espere un momento, mi numero de telefono es cuatro uno cinco, dos nueve cinco, siente nueve nueve ocho. Cuantas veces? Trabajo de las siente y media a las cuatro en punto. Me gusta comer fresa.
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Performance History



  • 2020 - 2022 興暄
  • 2020 - 2023 Asociación escuela confucio


  • 2014 - 2017 國立大學 語言系

  • 2020 - 2022 興暄
  • 2020 - 2023 Asociación escuela confucio
  • 2014 - 2017




How to book

  • After buying courses, you can book them according to the teacher’s schedule.
  • If “Instant Tutoring” shows on the teacher’s profile, you can book the lesson 30 minutes after the current time.
  • If the teacher is not online, the next available class cannot be booked until 24 hours afterward.

Lesson duration

  • The duration of a trial session is 25 minutes.
  • The duration of a private session is 50 minutes.
  • If you purchase more than 5 sessions, you will receive a discount (according to the price the teacher set).


  • Enter the website 10 minutes before the class starts. Click “My Lessons” to find your class, click “Go to class”, and then you will be in the classroom on ZOOM!
  • You can use ZOOM for classes both on your phone and computer. Please download ZOOM in advance if you choose to use your phone for the class.

Refund policy

  • Please click “Report Issue” if you encountered any problems, and the teacher will determine either reschedule or refund afterward.
  • If the teacher doesn’t respond the issue, we will provide a full refund as AT credits for you.
How to book
  • After buying courses, you can book them according to the teacher’s schedule.
  • If “Instant Tutoring” shows on the teacher’s profile, you can book the lesson 30 minutes after the current time.
  • If the teacher is not online, the next available class cannot be booked until 24 hours afterward.
Lesson duration
  • The duration of a trial session is 25 minutes.
  • The duration of a private session is 50 minutes.
  • If you purchase more than 5 sessions, you will receive a discount (according to the price the teacher set).
  • Enter the website 10 minutes before the class starts. Click “My Lessons” to find your class, click “Go to class”, and then you will be in the classroom on ZOOM!
  • You can use ZOOM for classes both on your phone and computer. Please download ZOOM in advance if you choose to use your phone for the class.
Refund policy
  • Please click “Report Issue” if you encountered any problems, and the teacher will determine either reschedule or refund afterward.
  • If the teacher doesn’t respond the issue, we will provide a full refund as AT credits for you.

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