Writing IELTS: Formato, práctica y ejercicios resueltos

writing ielts

¿Estás interesado en mejorar tu nivel de inglés y demostrarlo a través de un examen? El IELTS (International English Language Testing System) es una de las opciones más populares a nivel mundial para evaluar el nivel de inglés de hablantes no nativos. En este artículo, te contaremos todo lo que necesitas saber sobre el examen de writing del IELTS y cómo prepararte para sacar el mejor resultado posible.

Versiones del writing IELTS

El IELTS ofrece dos versiones diferentes del examen de writing: el IELTS General Training y el IELTS Academic. La versión General Training es ideal para aquellos que necesitan demostrar su nivel de inglés para trabajar o estudiar en entornos no académicos, mientras que la versión Academic se centra más en el uso del idioma en un entorno académico y es requerida por muchas universidades y organizaciones.writing ielts

¿Cuál es la estructura del examen?

En ambas versiones del writing del IELTS, se te pedirá que redactes dos ensayos de una longitud mínima de 250 palabras cada uno. El tiempo límite para completar cada ensayo es de 60 minutos. El examen de writing del IELTS evalúa tu habilidad para escribir de manera clara y coherente, usar una variedad de oraciones y estructuras gramaticales, y mostrar tus ideas de manera lógica y coherente.

Task 1

En esta tarea, se te presentará un gráfico, tabla, diagrama o gráfico y se te pedirá que escribas un informe describiendo la información en tus propias palabras. Deberás resumir los puntos principales y tendencias y explicar cualquier detalle significativo. Deberías tratar de escribir al menos 150 palabras y deberías dedicar alrededor de 20 minutos a esta tarea. (Ejemplos abajo)

Task 2

En esta tarea, se te presentará una opinión, argumento o problema y se te pedirá que escribas un ensayo expresando tu punto de vista. Deberás respaldar tu argumento con ejemplos y evidencia. Deberías tratar de escribir al menos 250 palabras y deberías dedicar alrededor de 40 minutos a esta tarea. (Ejemplos abajo)

En ambas tareas, se evaluará tu capacidad para escribir de manera clara y precisa, para organizar tus ideas de manera lógica y para usar una amplia variedad de vocabulario y gramática apropiados. También se evaluará tu capacidad para seguir los requisitos específicos de la tarea, como escribir en un estilo formal o semi-formal o dirigirte a un público específico.

Ideas para prepararte para el examen

  1. Practica escribiendo ensayos de manera regular para mejorar tu velocidad y habilidad para organizar tus ideas.
  2. Utiliza una variedad de oraciones y estructuras gramaticales para demostrar tu dominio del idioma.
  3. Sé claro y conciso en tus argumentos y evita el uso de rellenos innecesarios.
  4. Utiliza ejemplos y detalles para apoyar tus argumentos.
  5. Asegúrate de usar un lenguaje formal y evita el uso de jerga o coloquialismos.
  6. Revisa y corrige tus errores de ortografía y gramática.
  7. Practica escribiendo bajo presión de tiempo para acostumbrarte al ritmo del examen.

Ejemplos de Ejercicios de Writing IELTS para practicar

  1. Write an argumentative essay on whether social media is more beneficial or harmful to society.
  2. Write an opinion essay on whether the government should invest more money in education or public safety.
  3. Write a formal letter requesting information or asking for a favor from a company or institution.
  4. Write a report on an event or activity that you recently attended.
  5. Write an essay on the impact of technology on communication and personal relationships.

Recuerda que en el examen de writing del IELTS se espera que seas claro y conciso en tus argumentos, que uses un lenguaje formal y que evites el uso de jerga o coloquialismos. Además, es importante que revises y corrijas tus errores de ortografía y gramática.


Ejemplos de Ejercicios Resueltos

TASK 1: Ejemplos Resueltos

Ejemplo 1

You are required to write a report based on the following graph, which shows the percentage of people in three different age groups who use the internet in a given country.

The graph shows the percentage of people in three different age groups who use the internet in a given country. It can be seen that internet usage is highest among those aged 25-34, at 95%. This is followed by those aged 18-24, at 93%, and those aged 35-44, at 90%.

Overall, it is clear that internet usage is very high among all age groups, with at least 90% of people in each group using the internet. The only exception to this is those aged 45-54, who have a lower rate of internet usage at 85%.

It is interesting to note that the difference in internet usage between the highest and lowest age groups (95% and 85%, respectively) is relatively small. This suggests that internet usage is fairly evenly distributed among all age groups in this country.


Example 2

You are required to write a report based on the following table, which shows the average monthly expenditure on household bills in a given country.

The table shows the average monthly expenditure on household bills in a given country. It can be seen that the highest expenditure is on housing, at $1,000 per month. This is followed by transport, at $300 per month, and food, at $200 per month. The lowest expenditure is on leisure, at $50 per month.

Overall, it is clear that the majority of the household’s expenditure is on necessities such as housing and food. The relatively low expenditure on leisure suggests that this household may be trying to save money or that leisure activities are not a priority for them.

It is also interesting to note that the expenditure on transport is significantly lower than that on housing and food. This could be due to a variety of factors, such as the availability of public transportation or the cost of owning and maintaining a vehicle.


TASK 2: Ejemplos Resueltos

Ejemplo 1

Task: You have recently seen a notice in a local newspaper inviting people to participate in a survey about the use of public transport in your city. You have decided to participate in the survey and have written a letter to the editor explaining your reasons.

Write a letter to the editor

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to express my interest in participating in the survey about the use of public transport in our city. I believe that public transport is an important aspect of any city’s infrastructure and it is important for its citizens to have their say in how it is run and improved.

As a regular user of public transport, I have firsthand experience of its benefits and drawbacks. I believe that by participating in this survey, I can provide valuable insights and suggestions for improvements. For example, I have noticed that the bus services in our city tend to be overcrowded during peak hours, which can be uncomfortable and inconvenient for passengers. I also feel that there could be more frequent services on certain routes, particularly in areas that are poorly served by public transport at present.

In addition to my personal experiences, I also believe that it is important for everyone to have the opportunity to provide their feedback on public transport. This is especially true for those who may rely on it for their daily commuting or for those who may have disabilities and require special accommodations.

Overall, I believe that participating in this survey is a great opportunity for me to contribute to the ongoing improvement of public transport in our city and to ensure that it meets the needs of all its users.

Thank you for the opportunity to participate in this important survey.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

Ejemplo 2

Task: You have recently moved to a new city and have noticed that there is a problem with litter in the streets. You have decided to write a letter to the editor of the local newspaper outlining the problem and suggesting some solutions.

Write a letter to the editor

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to bring to your attention the problem of litter in the streets of our city. As a recent newcomer to the city, I have been struck by the amount of litter that is visible in many areas, particularly in and around parks and public spaces.

Litter is not only unsightly, but it can also be harmful to the environment and to wildlife. It can also pose a risk to public health if not properly disposed of.

I believe that there are several solutions to this problem. First and foremost, there needs to be a greater emphasis on educating the public about the importance of proper waste disposal. This could be achieved through campaigns in schools, local media, and community centers, as well as through the use of public signage and advertising.

In addition, I think that it would be helpful to have more trash cans available in public areas, as well as more frequent trash collection services. This would make it easier for people to dispose of their waste properly and could help to reduce the amount of litter in our streets.

Finally, I think that there should be stricter penalties for those who are caught littering. This could be a deterrent to would-be litterbugs and could help to further reduce the problem.

I hope that these suggestions will be taken into consideration as we work together to address the issue of litter in our city.

Sincerely, [Your Name]


El writing del IELTS es una parte importante del examen y requiere práctica y preparación adecuadas para obtener un buen resultado. Con la práctica y siguiendo estas sugerencias, estarás en camino de sacar el mejor resultado posible en el examen de writing del IELTS. ¿Por qué no tomas el primer paso hacia tu futuro y empiezas a prepararte para el examen de IELTS con nuestras clases de inglés específicas para el IELTS? ¡Te ayudaremos a estar preparado y confiado el día del examen!

Presentarse en Ingles: Consejos, Ejemplos y Frases Esenciales

Introducirnos en inglés es una habilidad vital en el mundo globalizado actual, donde todos estamos conectados y la comunicación es clave. Ya sea en el trabajo, la escuela o eventos sociales, presentarnos en inglés nos permite hacer nuevos amigos, establecer contactos comerciales y ampliar nuestro conocimiento de otras culturas. En este artículo, encontrarás consejos útiles, ejemplos y frases que te ayudarán a presentarte en inglés con confianza.

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